
Collaboration CRECIM-Vernier for LabQuest2 pedagogical analysis

Vernier provided the CRECIM with LabQuest2, as well as the LabQuest Viewer and the LoggerPro software, to integrate the Connected Science System in the practical work sessions that the CRECIM carries out with secondary school students in the University facilities. At the same time, the CRECIM analyzed during the scholar year 2012-2013 the main characteristics of this integration (technical requirements, design of new protocols, …), highlighting the main strengths and potentialities of using such innovative devices for promoting deep learning among Students.
Since the first year of collaboration brought some information to find the best way to integrate the devices to the practical work sessions, the CRECIIM decided to extend the analysis to the scholar year 2013-2014, once the model of integration established and other Relevant results could be gathered.
The research study carried out during the academic years 2012-13 and 2013-14 involved an amount of 1590 and 1150 students of secondary schools in Catalonia, respectively and engaged about 140 teachers on average each scholar year. During these periods, the REVIR project implemented a total of 136 practical work sessions using Vernier ,.
As a result of the research process, we were able to confirm that adopting the new LabQuest2 devices integrate in the Connected Science System to the REVIR practical work sessions was a very positive experience. Specifically, the research confirmed its added value when using it with an interactive whiteboard. On the one hand, this integration allowed for more dynamic interaction among students and between students and teachers. On the other hand, it enhanced the effectiveness of the learning cycle in students learning: working on students’ real predictions and data make more authentic and guarantee real students enrollment in the practical work sessions.
Indubitably, the use of LabQuest2 gives way to a re-thinking of current practical work carried out in schools aimed at enhancing students’ learning. However, this re-thinking has to be done by being aware of all the potentialities that these devices can bring to the classroom. In this sense, this research intended to identify such potentialities and to reflect on the best way of implementing them in order to inform the interested audience (mainly teachers). In addition, the research served to identify some features that could be tuned in order to improve teachers ‘and students’ experience when using LabQuest2 (some of them, already considered by Vernier in the new LabQuest2 releases).

Durada: 2013

Membres del CRECIM participants: Roser Pintó Casulleras (IP)

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