
Computer Based Learning in Science (CBLIS)

Referència: EDU2011-14871-E (subprograma EDUC)
Computer-Based Learning in Science (CBLIS) is an international community committed to the promotion of innovative learning environments for the benefit of the wider scientific community, using computer-based methods to support science teaching. CBLIS plays an important role in fostering international collaboration between researchers, teachers and instructors who are involved in using and/or developing computer-based learning techniques and strategies for Science Education.
We are honoured by the fact that International Scientific Committee chose the Centre for Research in Science and Mathematics Education (CRECIM) in the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) to organize CBLIS 2012. We hope that participation in the conference will be an opportunity to exchange experience, meet interesting people and will inspire further activities in applying ICT in science teaching.
Given the challenge of integrating innovative educational technologies in a society immersed in the use of computers, the 10th Conference leading theme is “Learning Science in the Society of Computers”, and it includes topics such as the design and use of learning environments, modeling software, MB and RC laboratories, simulations and other ICT tools.

Dotació econòmica: 5.000€

Durada: 2010-2012

Altres entitats participants:
Vitor Teodoro Duarte, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Maria Ulicsak, Futurelab
Anna Ambrosis Vigna, Università di Pavia
Raimund Girwidz, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

Membres del CRECIM participants: Roser Pintó Casulleras (IP), Digna Couso Lagarón, Víctor López Simó, Maria Isabel Hernández Rodríguez, Cristina Simarro Rodríguez.

Entitat finançadora:
MINECO (Ministerio de economía y competitividad)


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