
Integrating knowledge for the use of informatic tools in science education (IKUITSE)

Referència: HPSE-CT-2002-60055
The IKUITSE project is an Accompanying Measure of the TSER project STTIS (Science Teacher Training in an Information Society, ERB-SOE2-CT-2020). STTIS research results related to the ways in which Secondary teachers implement certain ITs in science courses showed that:
  • Specific training sessions for science teachers are required, in the area of using new technologies that have, as a basis, current psycho-pedagogical knowledge of how learning takes place, and what factors help or hinder it.
  • Highly specific material should be drawn up for teachers, in order to help them overcome detected difficulties, help them to create mental models of how equipment works, and helps them to indicate and justify ways of using the tool in question.
  • Supplementary material should be drawn up in certain fields that have the objective of avoiding or overcoming some of the difficulties that teachers face.
  • Research on teachers should be provided to teacher trainers.
In this Accompanying Measure results of the TSER research project will be used to prepare the CASCADE package: a set of materials for a teacher-training course in the adequate and efficient use new technologies (IT’s) in Secondary schools for Science teaching. The technologies addressed are the most effective and suitable ones for the teaching of science at this educational level: Computer-based laboratories (CBL), Simulation tools and Internet. The materials and resources elaborated in this proposal, despite research-based, will rely also on current suppositions regarding efficient teaching and learning, with the integration of knowledge from different fields: theoretical considerations on education, didactics, communication, visual language, psychology, pedagogy, etc. The aim is to improve the quality of European science teaching using IT’s through the presentation, promotion, implementation and exploitation of this teacher training package CASCADE. To achieve these purposes, CASCADE will be presented and promoted at European level through the implementation of a workshop for European teachers, teacher trainers, researchers in Science Education and policy makers.

Dotació econòmica: 56.000€

Durada: 2002-2004

Membres del CRECIM participants: Roser Pintó Casulleras, Pilar García Rovira, Maria Teresa Escalas Tramullas.

Entitat finançadora:
European Commission DG Research.


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