
Multiplayers' Partnerships to Ensure Meaningful Engagement with Science and Research (MULTIPLIERS)

Referència: H2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Grant Agreement No 101006255
Solutions to societal challenges, such as fighting climate change, require a public that understands science and how it works. The EU-funded MULTIPLIERS project views schools as innovative and open collectors of new ideas, practices and scientific approaches. As such, it will establish Open Science Communities – partnerships between schools, families, civil society organisations, informal education providers, policymakers, the media and a vast range of science institutions in six EU Member States. These communities will develop science projects with real-life challenges as starting points to be implemented in schools. The projects will involve more than 1,500 students who will interact with a broad spectrum of science experts.

Membres del CRECIM participants: Digna Couso, Víctor López, Raquel Rios

Entitat finançadora:
European Commission


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