Referència: 527602-LLP-1-2012-1-CY-COMENIUS-CMP
The aim of the project is to engage elementary and secondary pre-service teachers in critical discussions of everyday science through socio-scientific issues (SSI), and prepare them to teach SSI. Engaging in critical discussions of SSI has been recognized as an important goal of science education since it enables students to understand the relevance of science to everyday life, understand the humanistic face of science, and see the connections of science to everyday life. When engaged with SSI, students are prepared to understand and make decisions about issues that will be a part of their everyday lives. Studies have shown that teachers do not include SSI issues in their teaching since they find it difficult to coordinate between scientific data and the social aspects of the problem, which bring uncertainty into the discussions. They are more comfortable applying ideas and approaches they are engaged in as learners. Hence, the aim of this project is to design and implement curriculum materials to engage pre-service teachers in critical discussions of SSI and prepare them to teach SSI in their classes providing examples of pedagogical approaches. Each partner country will design one module in their own language based on social constructivist theories of learning. An extra collaborative module will also be developed in English with all partners contributing. The modules will be implemented with pre-service teachers. Main outputs will be a book with the modules and theoretical approaches that can be used for pre- and in-service training for SSI and a report from the implementation of the curriculum. The curriculum will be translated in English for dissemination. We envisage that the curriculum and proposed pedagogical approach will:
- support teachers in their effort to engage students with everyday science
- will be an exemplar for institutions that are engaged in teacher professional development and
- provide insight into how teachers understand and engage in SSI.
Dotació econòmica: 317.076€ (29,056€ UAB).
Durada: 2012-2014
Altres entitats participants:
University of Nicosia, (CY)
University of Copenhagen, (DK)
CRECIM, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), (ES)
Bogazici University, (TR)
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, (FR)
Universitatea din Pitesti, (RO)
King's College, (GB)
Membres del CRECIM participants: Digna Couso Lagarón, Anna Garrido Espeja.