
Science teacher training in an information society (STTIS)

Referència: SOE2 CT97 2020
The Information Society, from our point of view, means a society where there is a great quantity and variety of technological means to send and receive information and citizens receive multiple information displayed in different and changing ways and have to take decisions from this information.
In this society, scientific and technological information plays an important role. It is necessary for all citizens to be able to master, as users, different technological means: computers with different software, internet communications, videoscope, etc. And command the domain of different ways to present messages and the domain of reading the information given in a message.
That implies a citizen education according to these objectives, and those, an improved teacher education.
In this context, the research questions of the STTIS project are:
  • What are some of the problems and opportunities for the use of Informatic Tools in science classrooms?
  • How do teachers transform expected uses of such tools? What transforming trends can one conjecture to be involved?
  • What are some of the problems and opportunities of the use of images and graphic representations in science courses?
  • How teachers deal with such problems, in the context of innovative teaching? What transforming trends can be inferred?
  • What specific requirements are expected of teachers in some selected well-defined curriculum innovations in science?
  • How do teachers understand these expectations? How do they act in the classoom? What transforming trends can one conjectured?
     PINTÓ, R., COUSO, D., GUTIERREZ, R. (2005) Using research on Teachers' Transformations of Innovations to Inform Teacher Education. The case of Energy Degradation. Science Education, 89 (1), 38-55
     PINTÓ, R., AMETLLER, J (2002) Students' difficulties in reading images. Comparing results from four national research groups. International Journal of Science Education, Volum: 24,3, 333-341
     PINTÓ, R. (2002) Introduction to the Science Teacher Training in an Information Society (STTIS) project. International Journal of Science Education, 24(3), 227-234
     AMETLLER, J., PINTÓ, R., (2002) Students' reading of innovative images of energy at secondary school level. International Journal of Science Education, 24(3),285-312

Dotació econòmica: 600.000€

Durada: 1997-2001

Altres entitats participants:
  • CRECIM, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), (ES)
  • Universitè Denis Diderot Paris VII, (FR)
  • University of Sussex, (GB)
  • Universita Federico II di Napoli, (IT)
  • University of Oslo, (NO)

Membres del CRECIM participants: Roser Pintó, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (project coodinator), Digna Couso Lagarón, Jaume Ametller Leal, Rufina Gutiérrez Goncet, Omayra Pérez.

Entitat finançadora:
European Commission DG Research.


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